Local Plan - Consultation 2024 - Full Survey

Closes 29 Jan 2025

Policy updates (key approach 9)

This relates to paragraphs 19.1-19.6 in the Issues and Options Consultation Document

The Issues and Options Consultation Document considers the need to update adopted Local Plan policies and proposes possible changes. These reflect changes in national policy and legislation and updated evidence and best practice.

45) Policy updates (key approach 9) - Do you agree that the policies we have listed are the ones that need updating?
46) Do you think any of these policies do not need updating, or should be updated in a different way? Please provide any relevant policy numbers.
47) Do you think any other policies in the adopted local plan need to be updated, and if so, how? Please provide any relevant policy numbers.
48) Do you think the local plan should include any other policies not already covered?
49) Do you have any specific policy wording to propose in relation to any of the above answers? Please provide any relevant policy numbers.