Local Plan - Consultation 2024 - Full Survey

Closes 29 Jan 2025

Vision and Objectives

This relates to paragraph 8.1 and paragraphs 9.1-9.10 in the Issues and Options Consultation Document

Our draft vision for Eastleigh Borough is to: 

  • Create a strong and sustainable economy 
  • To support thriving and healthy communities  
  • And deliver high-quality infrastructure in the right locations  
  • With a range of affordable, quality homes in an attractive and sustainable environment 
  • While protecting the distinct identity of towns and villages to prevent urban sprawl.  

Based on this vision, the key issues and national and Council policy, we have suggested 21 draft objectives for the Local Plan Review.

2) What are your views on the draft vision we have suggested for the Local Plan review? From strongly agree to disagree.
3) Do you have any comments on how this vision could be changed? Please summarise here and give more details in the next box if required.
There is a limit of 200 characters
4) What are your views on the objectives we have suggested for the plan?
5) Do you have any comments on these objectives? Should any be changed / added / deleted? Please summarise here and give more details in the next box if required.
There is a limit of 200 characters
6) Which of the following objectives are the most important to you? Please rank each from 1 for not important to 5 for very important.