Conservation Area Appraisals

Closes 11 Apr 2025

Opened 26 Feb 2025


This is a consultation on the draft of Orchards Way, Gaters Mill and Botley Conservations Area Appraisals and Management Proposals Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The consultation runs from 6 weeks from 26 February to 11 April.

Why your views matter

These appraisals have been carried out to re-assess the existing Orchards Way, Gaters Mill and Botley Conservation Areas and to re-evaluate and re-examine their special interest. The review will provide a basis for management proposals that are aimed at preserving or enhancing the character and appearance of the designated areas.

These appraisals will be used to provide guidance supplementary to the Council’s Local Plan policies and the future local development framework, to assist residents and developers when considering development within the conservation area and to assist the Borough Council, as local planning authority, with planning decisions and future development.

They aim to ensure that conservation areas are fully considered as part of the planning process and be used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

The Conservation Area Appraisals SPDs provide additional guidance supplementary to the council’s local plan policies, contained within the new Local Plan dated April 2022. These SPDs will continue to provide guidance in support of the new Local Plan and take into account the relevant new policies. (Please note that the Botley Conservation Area Appraisal does not include Management Proposals for the land outside the borough boundary).

Give us your views